Friday, February 10, 2006

Replies Regarding 'Seekers' (which we all ought to be, right?) and Steady Footing (Ps 37)

Hey, Y'all,

Today we're hearing back from a couple of you who responded to the last RST--but first, a short bonus RST from Psalm 37 entitled "Steady Footing"

If the LORD delights in a man's way,
he makes his steps firm;
though he stumble, he will not fall,
for the LORD upholds him with his hand.
The word of his God is in his heart;
therefore his feet do not slip.
I was young and now I am old,
yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken.

Awesome...Now on with the replies--first, the one from Becky:

"Good thoughts! Thanks for sharing. . . Yup, you are right! I finally got it about 2 years ago: "Seek first His things. . . and all these other things will be added to you" [Matthew 6:33,34]. It's really quite simple, but we, who live in a complicated society, feel as though we must do something to earn that salvation. So what do we do? We go and complicate it all up and struggle with it and hash it over and over and over. How crazy is that!! Anyway, just keep on seeking, right?"

And from Mike R:

"Really liked the idea here. Christ was the epitomy of patience and kindness in dealing with people who hadn't "gotten it" yet. And here I may be feeling huffy and impatient with people AND I'M JUST AS FALLIBLE AND MIGHT HAVE IT ALL WRONG MYSELF!! He was divine, knew He was divine, knew He was right, and STILL was more winsome and kind than I am at times. Anyway, that's a good reminder, thanks."

Thank you both for sharing your thoughts with the list. Here's hoping y'all have a restful weekend and a Happy Sabbath (more on that tomorrow AM!)--you've each been prayed for today.

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