Thursday, August 27, 2009

Things To Tell Lea About God--A Continuation

Dear Lea,

As I write this you are reclined in your rocker, cooing and wiggling and listening to lullabies. It’s hard for me to imagine that you will ever experience any fatigue (like me at the moment) or depression, financial hardship, poor health, anxiety, loss… (I could go on).

All you have to do is trust us for your every need--it is, in fact, your only option. We’ll do our best not to let you down, but later on in life people you trust might; or all your own good intentions may come to nothing. One day you will be asking yourself:
“Is there something wrong with God, or is it just me?”

I don’t know what the pain in your life will be, but we all have some. There are always other ways to cope and struggle along, but oddly enough, the only answer that I have found is to return to a level of
trust that some might call infantile.

Lea, my hope for you is that you come to know this as the truest truth of all about yourself and God:

“You, oh God are all I [really] have,
and you give me all I [really] need…”

Psalm 16:5

For now, keep on playing, and don’t worry about the future. Come to think of it, you already get this concept of
trust don’t you? I guess that’s why He said,

“…Let the little children come unto me and do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of God. Unless you receive the Kingdom of Heaven like a child you will never enter it.”
Mark 10:14, 15


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Already Done

Hey, Y'all,

Our brother Chris sent this text out a couple of weeks ago, been percolating in the back of my mind ever since. Funny how you see different facets of texts at different times...Thanks for the reminder, brother! Here we go:

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!
I have overcome the world."

John 16:33

Today for some reason the fact that He has already overcome the world jumped out at me. Soothing thought. He isn't someday maybe-in-the-distant-future going to overcome the lord (usurper) of this world. He's already done it. Bank on it; it's "bruised His heel, crushed his head" definitively done.

"Take heart!"

It is finished.

You've been prayed for today...


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What is God like? Reeds and Wicks

Hey, Y'all,

It occurs to me that one of these days Lea is going to ask her dad what God is like. Been thinking about the answer; get the feeling this could take a while :-) So here's the first in a series...

This is what God is like, little Lea:

A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
Isaiah 42:3

How 'bout you? What is God like?

You've been prayed for today.