Thursday, July 5, 2007

He's Already Here--Respond?

Hey, Y'all,

Hope you had a Happy Independence Day--Happy 231st Birthday, America!--'course as a result today felt a bit like a Monday back at work, but at least it's a "Monday" followed by Friday and Sabbath--thank God! Here's another cool thought of Yancey's on prayer--see if it isn't true of you as well...

Prayer is a subversive act performed in a world that constantly calls my faith into question. I may have a sense of estrangement in the very act of prayer, yet by faith I continue to pray and to look for other signs of God's presence...

I have learned to see prayer not as my way of establishing God's presence, but rather as my way of responding to God's presence that is a fact whether or not I can detect it...My feelings of God's presence--or God's absence--are not the same as His presence or absence.

Whenever I fixate on techniques, or sink into guilt over my inadequate prayers, or turn away in disappointment when a prayer "goes unanswered," I remind myself that prayer means keeping company with a God who is already present...God is present in my life and all around me; prayer offers me the chance to attend and respond to that presence.

You've been prayed for today....

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