Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Reply: Doing It On My Own...What Was I Thinking?

Hey, Y'all,

Today's RST is in two parts, the first is a response to our last posting, and the second is a quick quote from Yancey's book on prayer to get us set for tomorrow's...

"[Philippians 4 is] probably my 'most favored' chapter in the whole Good Book at this point. If we simply lived by the principles Paul points out in this one chapter alone, I'd venture to say we'd ALL be doing okay...that's easier said than done it seems. I guess that's what Paul meant by having to die every day, but sometimes I find myself dying just getting there! Thank goodness He provides that 'all in all' solution cause Lord knows I fall shorter and shorter of the mark each day I continue to attempt moving the ball forward on my own."

Thanks, Ronnie, and yeah, I know what you mean. Especially loved your "If we simply lived by the principles..." --- ahhh, if it only were in fact a simple thing, but no, I (and here I'm sure it's just me) I just keep taking the wheel, then getting anxious about things I have little-to-no control over, not rejoicing much, frequently forgetting to say "thank you" for the vast quantity of blessings I have received and instead focusing of course on the little bit I don't have...kind of makes it difficult to have that promised peace that transcends understanding (and it also bears reitrating that anything I pay attention to or focus on that is not true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, or praiseworthy does nothing helpful to my relationship with the God of peace)...brilliant!

Here's the quote--I leave it to you to figure our how it's related to our line of thinking today:

"We must stop setting our sights by the light of each passing ship;
we must set our course by the stars."
--George Marshall

You've been prayed for today...

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