Sunday, May 14, 2006

What Do You Do? You Follow His Example!

Today's RST is a collection of related thoughts...

"Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching people. The Savior mingled with men as one who [genuinely] desired their good. He sympathized with their problems and ministered to their needs. When He had won their confidence [trust, friendship?], then [and only then] He bade them, 'Follow Me.'"
Ellen White, Ministry of Healing, p.143 [emphasis mine]

How do you define Christianity? "A company of friends whose inspired leader once said that the one without sin should pick up the first stone." Nora Gallagher.

Robert Farrar Capon once defined the Church as “a community of astonished hearts, proclaiming the end of religion in Jesus.”

What do you do with a man who claims to be God, yet hates the prevailing religious attitude? What do you do with a man who calls himself The Savior, yet condemns systems? What do you do with a man who knows the time and place of his death, yet goes there anyway? You follow His example!

You've been prayed for today...

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