Friday, December 23, 2005

RST -- Word Of The Father

Ahhh, Christmas's a line I'm guessing you've heard more than once these past few weeks:

"Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing..."
So what's that about?  Have you thought about it?  Today's RST is from

Words. We do so much in words. We hear sermons and read books and attend seminars and get all excited when someone says something in a way we haven't heard before.
Christ's presence transcended words. Those who followed Him experienced Him. They heard, saw, and handled the Word Of Life in human flesh, they were able to observe Jesus as well as listen to Him.  And my guess is that--as is always the case--what He showed them stuck with them more than what He told them.

They heard Him say that He came not to be ministered unto but to minister, and then they watched Him spend Himself on the crowds and the needs of everyone who came to Him.  They heard Him talk about serving each other, but they watched Him wrap a towel around His waist and wash their feet.  They heard Him say He was the spotless Lamb of God that takes a way the sins of the world, but they saw Him up on the cross doing just that.

So as John put it (and as the carol reminds us), "The Word became flesh" (John 1:14)--what a thought!

You've been prayed for today.

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