Sunday, December 25, 2005

RST -- Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from sunny South Florida, y'all!  Hope
you're having a holiday season with ever-dimishing
levels of stress and rather full of laughter and joy
and peace, and may the New Year bring you and yours
more of the same--less stress, and more laughter and
joy and peace.  Today's RSTs are based on quotes from
a couple of Max Lucado's books--God Came Near and And
The Angels Were Silent--and as always, you've been
prayed for today.

"God entered the world as a baby...then as now, He
goes to those who have time to hear Him. On that
night, it wasn't the rich, and it wasn't the educated;
no, on this cloudless night He went to simple
shepherds...So when it comes to goodies and candy,
chubby cheeks and red noses, go to the North Pole.
But when it comes to eternity, forgiveness, purpose
and truth, go to the manger. Kneel with the
shepherds, and worship the God who dared to do what
man dared not dream."

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