Saturday, December 31, 2005

RST -- Parting Christmas Thought (and Happy New Year!)

One last RST for '05, and it's on Christmas (based on a posting on
Think of the favorite gift you gave this year versus the favorite gift you received: which brought you greater joy?  Interesting...
Whenever we give, we are partaking in the nature of God. It is not entirely natural for humans to give (we tend to want and want and then want some more); it is, however, entirely God-like. If there is any value in the commercialism of Christmas, it is this: it gets us thinking about what someone else might like for a change, and it gets us giving. We spend our money on someone else. We enter into someone else’s life; we make someone else important. And since giving is one of the things that lends purpose to our lives, it would be wise to carry over some of what we experienced this holiday season and see how we can incorporate more of this new sensitivity into our daily lives—keeping in mind that giving is an attitude, and it doesn’t have to involve material things. It can be the gift of our time or talents—even our thoughts and prayers.
So beware!  Satan’s lie is that the more we get, the more we hold onto, the more we will have, when in fact the opposite is the truth: the more we give away, the fuller and richer our lives will be.
So Merry Christmas one last time, and in the fast-approaching new year...keep looking for opportunities to give (as our Heavenly Father so generously does)!
You've been prayed for today.  Here's wishing you a peaceful and prosperous 2006!

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