Sunday, November 18, 2007

Little Foxes? Search Me, Show Me

Hey, Y'all,

Song of Solomon (2:15) may seem like an unlikely place to find an RST, but I ran across this useful reminder the other day...

"The little foxes spoil the vine." Are there 'little foxes' in your life? Questionable attitudes or sneaky thoughts that you've allowed to creep into your thinking? Sometimes sin isn't a huge and easily-identifiable thing; sometimes it's small and seemingly insignificant, but it doesn't tend to stay that way, does it? Think about your life for a minute and see if it isn't true.

So, what do you think God wants you to do with these 'little foxes' that entangle your walk and complicate your life? Pray this prayer of David's -- "Search me, O God and know my heart; test me, and know my thoughts; see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way of everlasting" (Psalm 139) -- and be on the lookout for how God responds, what He shows you.

You've been prayed for today...

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