Monday, June 18, 2007

"He Has Showed You What Is Good"

Hey, Y'all,

Hope you had a great weekend--it's always cool, especially as I get older (and somewhat wiser? :-) to stop and think for a bit about dads and the sacrifices they've made (and make) without giving it a second thought--so thanks, dads (y gracias, Facho).

Also find it funny--—like this weekend at church--—to see dads who've been taking care of us for years, decades actually, being honored side-by-side with some dads who've been dads for all of like 5 minutes ('sup, Hose). Cool...I half-expected to hear Elton John belting out "The Circle Of Life" (little tangent: "Mufasa!" "OoOoOoh! Say it again!").

Anyway, got to thinking about Godly fatherhood, about being a real man and a real dad, not some inferior, weak imitation. About the privilege and responsibility that it is, to not only care for someone entirely dependent on you, but to also be responsible for being a child's first understanding of who God is and what He's really about.

And the verse that kept rolling around my head is actually one that I remember learning when I was way young--as evidenced by the fact that I remember it most clearly in the King James Version--it's
Micah 6:8...

"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."

So although there are a million verses and quotes on the topic, this is the one that kept ringing more and more true as I thought about it: to act justly, to demonstrate kindness and mercy, and to humbly walk with my there a higher calling for a man?

You've been prayed for today...

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