Sunday, September 10, 2006

God's Fridge

Hey Y'all,

Hope you're having a relaxing weekend (though I know some of you are plugging away in board review classes and other academic endeavors--hang in there! This too shall pass!). Even though it was a (technically) short week because of Labor Day, it sure seemed to drag along and be surprisingly busy (but that was probably just me, right? ).

So, back to RST business: we'll be revisiting the recent Yancey RSTs momentarily--got some good responses and thoughts to pass on--but first we'll revisit the last one. It was actually found in Zephaniah 3:14-17 (not 16 as I inadvertently noted), and the punchline for me was in fact verse 17--take a minute, read it again below, and let it kind of settle on your mind, and picture it--especially the last 3 lines:

"The LORD your God is with you.
He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with his love,
He will rejoice over you with singing."

Struck me as an amazing picture of God (especially while watching friends and family becoming new--or now relatively new--parents) as our loving Father, actually delighting in us, in our growth and development as people and as His children--the baby steps as well as our "big" achievements; then, when we need it, soothing our hurts and quieting our doubts with His loving thoughts expressed via His word and the Holy Spirit's impressions; and most interestingly for me 'cause I'd never thought of Him this way: above it all, He rejoices over us with singing--looking over us all, watching our lives unfold day by day, inching closer to that day when He'll come back and make all things new, and here's the part that gets me: that we little creations of His bring Him such joy that He has to hum a tune--and maybe even on occasion belt out a song--while He sticks our little projects on His refrigerator. Who knew?

You've been prayed for today...

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