Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Think and Choose (Easter Thought)

Hey, Y'all,

Here's a thought from Max Lucado's book No Wonder They Call Him The Savior...kinda gets you thinking...

Something about the crucifixion made every witness to it step toward it or away from it. And today, more than two thousand years later, the same is true. It's the watershed moment of humanity. It's the Continental Divide. And you're either on one side of it or the other. No fence-sitting is possible. A choice is demanded. And by the way, no decision, a decision for the status quo, is still a decision. So you're going to have to think about it: where do you choose to be today? And tomorrow?

Brings to mind the words of Joshua (Joshua 24:14,15) where he lays out to the people of Israel that there can only be one God guiding your life if you expect it to make any sense whatsoever, and you must therefore choose very carefully whom you will serve because there are a lot of things vying for our attention--vying for rulership of our lives. And I love that he concludes by emphatically stating "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Love that--gets me every time.

Interestingly, this same sentiment was echoed by Christ in His sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5-7--which BTW is always an amazingly powerful few chapters that are easy to read but are definitely life-changing (if applied, of course); this is where Christ first explains what His "kingdom" is about and what His followers ought to be doing: the destiny and birthright that humanity had all but forgotten (and that He came to restore to us)--how ridiculously cool is that?!?! Check it out, you'll never be the same.

You've been prayed for today...

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